To become a LinkNet fleet commander you have two different options: Traing from zero or enlist as an experienced FC. The path you choose to take depends on your current experience in fleet commanding.
The training program is aimed at players who have no previous experience in fleet commanding. It aims to help these players to get familiar with fleet commanding in different environments.
Anyone in our community is able to enlist to the training program. Having some understanding on the content you are seeking to fleet command for is highly recommended. To gain such experience we recommend joining our fleets a few times before enlisting.
During your training period you will be supervised and backseated by an more experienced fleet commander. They will make sure that the information you share in your fleet are correct and remind you if you forgot to add something. They are there to sit in the back while you are given the full command of the fleet.
We give absolute 0 shits about losses. If you lose a fleet then your fleet has been successful.
To start your training join the SIG: Fleet commanding
group on AUTH. This will grant you access to the training channel on our discord sig-fleet-commanding
where you will connect up with other trainees and experienced fleet commanders.
Now you will start your training to become an fleet commander. The only way to learn is to run multiple fleets and learn from your mistakes. Remember no shits given for losses so it is all about finding content and learning.
So the simplest way to get started is to ask in the sig-fleet-commanding
for a fleet commander to schedule a fleet for you and to backseat that fleet for you.
The best way to get started is to take out a GRIP fleet. While these fleet aim to teach new pilots the very basics of fleet flying they are a perfect place for a fleet commander trainee to learn how to command fleets! The fleets are very cheap, full of pilots interested in learning and very agile.
We do also offer a full text guide fc-grip-checklist that will cover every step you need to cover in these fleets so you can pretty much start out by readin the fleet from the guide to your fleet members. After a few runs it will all start to roll without the need to constantly read the guide.
While GRIP fleets for PvP are the easiest way to get started you can also start out with other similar fleets such as running wormhole daytrips or trig space dives if you are more familiar and focused on that type of content.
Do not fear to lose your fleet. In fact it is preferred to lose a GRIP:PvP fleet rather than brining it home alive! The community offers full SRP for all GRIP fleets so there is no need to worry about money. Be bold with engaging on hostiles you find and learn from your mistakes. Making mistakes is the only way to learn about when you can take a fight and when you can’t.
Once you have ran a few fleets you will be promoted to Junior Fleet Commander and can start to fly fleets on your own. After running fleets on your own and after gaining more experience you can be promoted both as an fleet commander and LinkNet content creator depending on the amount of fleets you run.
Any experienced and active fleet commander, ceo or wing director with fleet commanding experience can act as a mentor for a new player.
You can take as many trainees as you feel comfortable with. For now I recommend starting with 3 or 4 max so that you do not overwhelm yourself.
Look for new trainees in the sig-fleet-commanding
channel who are looking up for backseats. Schedule a fleet for them that suites both of you.
To hold a certain fleet commander role you will need to fulfill certain requirements. The community currently has multiple different Fleet Commander roles that represent your activities within our community:
This is a role which is given for commanders who know how to use our community tools and are actively running fleets within our community. In order to gain and keep this role you will need to schedule fleets in our calendar, ping the fleets with our ping tools and FAT your fleets correctly.
This role does not reflect your skill to command fleets but your activity level running fleets within our community.
In order to keep this role you are required to run at least one fleet every 30 days.
The role will be automatically given and removed from you based on the previous facts. You can re-gain this role after a break simply by starting to run fleets again for the community.
Fleet commanders are players with high experience in fleet commanding in the career area of their choosing. They have proven themselves in one way or another to gain this title by showing knowledge or running fleets of their focus area.
This role can be given for players by two different ways: Any partner corporation CEO, leadership or other fleet commanders can vouch for a player to become a fleet commander. We will trust the judgement of each corporation leadership team when promoting players as fleet commanders based on their requests. How each corporation determines who is a fleet commander and who should be a junior fleet commander is up to them.
In general fleet commanders should have more experience in running fleets than junior fleet commanders.
You will gain all the needed permissions to schedule, ping and fat fleets with this role.
Junior fleet commanders are most often players who are still learning to become fleet commanders. They are most often promoted fleet command SIG trainees who have gained the needed knowledge in fleet commanding and using our system tools to run the fleets of the choosing on their own.
You will gain all the needed permissions to schedule, ping and fat fleets with this role.
Players who only want to focus on PVE Fleet commanding have their own group. These players are assigned similar as the Fleet Commanders by vouches from other players or by othervise prooving themselves in pve fleet commanding.
You will gain all the needed permissions to schedule, ping and fat fleets with this role.