A "wormhole daytrip" is a cozy term for an organized entry-level group content that revolves around taking a fleet of cruisers for ratting into a class 3 j-system. The objectives of these fleets are as follows:
- Teach players the basics of fleet discipline
- Teach players about some basic procedures and etiquette about wormhole space
- Provide players with the chance to experience wormhole space and fleet PVE
- Give players the most basic knowledge to run this kind of content with others, potentially organizing future fleets among themself.
- Lastly, but the most important, HAVE FUN!
No. As stated in the objectives, we will teach you the basics of fleet discipline in a similar manner as the regular GRIP: Fleets & PvP fleets.
Depends on the FC and what happens during the event, but generally our "Wormhole Daytrips" last between 2 and 3 hours.
You will learn the basics of fleet mechanics, wormholes and fleet PVE discipline.
Wormhole space is a collection of lawless systems only accessible through wormholes, which act as stargates. You can get more information here .
Depending on the number of finished sites and pilots in fleet, the general payouts are between 25-40mil ISK/player, sometimes even more.
The fleet is mainly composed of armor cruiser DPS/Logi and battlecruiser boosts. Our "Wormhole Daytrip" fits can be found here .
SRP is not available. If you don't have a ship beforehand, handouts can be provided when initially forming.
You will find any coalition scheduled daytrips here: https://auth.eve-linknet.com/opcalendar/ . Formup system is usually the coalition staging system, which as of this time is Ronne.
Alternatively, the fleet can form in one of our wormhole bases, in which case the FC will provide the entry system (as close to Ronne as possible) and you will need to go there (use a shuttle or a fast frigate).
Finding a good wormhole system for these events can be quite time consuming sometimes. Unless the operation has been canceled, rest assured that it is being worked upon. Just please, have a little patience!
Most often depends on the FC, but usually you won’t be able to join if the fleet has moved to the destination j-system.
First, we will travel to the k-space destination where the entry wormhole is to be found and from there we will be going through wormhole space.
You are supposed to bookmark the wormhole connections, thus enabling you to leave or come back without the need of a Probe Scanner. It is good practise to have a Probe Scanner, Probes and a Mobile Depot with you however.
When we reach our destination system, we will then proceed with clearing out as much as possible of the available content, primarily combat anomalies and sleeper data/relic sites. You will need to have your probe scanner open and pay attention to the ID of the anomaly/signature to which the fleet is ordered to align.
It is not currently possible to broadcast an align target from the probe scanner, so pay attention to voice comms/fleet chat.
The NPC ships/rats will spawn in waves of various sizes and compositions. The FC will call out and mark the order in which the targets are to be fired upon and will also mark with an "X" tag the trigger ship that is to be shot last .
Killing the "X" tagged NPC ship will trigger the next wave, so only shoot it last !
Broadcast for repairs as soon as you are being shot by the rats in order to give that logi pilots time to adapt/react and thus keep you alive.
The wormhole rats don't have bounties attached to them and the sites don't award ISK for completion. Instead, the sleeper wrecks will contain special drops (known as "blue loot") that need to be collected and sold in highsec in order to acquire the ISK reward. To facilitate loot gathering, an MTU (Mobile Tractor Unit) will be deployed at the site.
After a few sites, the fleet will be warped around in order to pick up previously deployed MTUs and secure the loot.
Although the fleet is primarily PVE oriented, if the opportunity favors us, we will try to engage in a PVP fight. Still, in the event of a PVP encounter that forces a tactical retreat or a complete wipe, the fleet will probably need to stand down.
If too many players leave or after reaching the maximum allocated time for the event, the fleet will also stand down.
Before and during the daytrip, the acting FC will explain everything you need in order to correctly function within a wormhole PVE fleet. A few very important considerations to keep track of at all times:
- Do not jump back and forth through a wormhole without the FC's permission.
- Constantly use the D-Scanner (use the PVP filter) and report if you spot anything
- Set your drones to Passive and Focus Fire.
- Make sure you have the "Tag" column visible in your overview window.
- Name your ship with the correct icon prefix ༺༒༻.
Repeated violation of the following rules or intentionally putting the fleet in danger will get you shot and podded of the field:
NEVER speak in local without the FC's permision
NEVER shoot the "X" tagged NPC ship, unless it's the last ship in the wave.
NEVER attempt to loot any of the NPC wrecks.
After the daytrip is completed, the fleet will return to its initial formup system. Players that received a ship handout will be kindly asked to return them. Participation in the fleet will be registered through the use of the LinkNet FAT system.
Payouts will be distributed in a timely fashion so please, be patient .
Players will receive ISK payouts depending on the total loot value and the number of sites they actively participated into (RVEN FC is excluded from payout). For complete transparency, the calculation will be posted in the wormhole channel.
If you bookmarked the wormhole connections and wish to go back and salvage/hack, you are free to do so.
Thank you for joining the "Wormhole Daytrip" and we wish a good day!