The primary goal of the LinkNet program is to create a community where each different type of player are able to enjoy the game and pursuit the goals they have set for them.
Our other goals are:
- To create a community of players that would have fun and interact with each other’s while playing the game despite their real-life divergences.
- To provide a friendly and mature community that respects all types of players despite their in-game orientations.
- To help individual members to find active corporations that suit their personal game play needs in EVE Online
- To help corporations provide content across of the whole coalition and help them pursuit their own goals
¶ Behaviour and communication rules (BCR)
As EVE is an addicting and compelling game sometimes the real-life ideologies or beliefs easily find their way into the game which may cause clashes between different types of players.
In order to keep our community of thousands of players as a friendly and a nice place to play we have set some ground rules that apply on each member within the partner corporations. With these rules we are trying to keep our focus on EVE and on enjoying the game with players from all over the world with all types of ideologies.
Any violation of our community rules should be reported directly to any community CEO or directly to Ikarus Cesaille with the needed chatlogs or proof of violation.
The following topics are banned in all community channels including but not limited to in-game channels, corporation channel, forums, homepage, discord and any other voice communication programs.
- All racists, sexists, homophobic and topics alike.
- All real-life politics, religious topics and sexual orientations.
- All personal attacks, finger pointing or public shaming.
- Pushing/advertising of all personal agendas, ideologies or non-community related activities across the community channels to other members without proper approval.
While we do understand that in the heat of a battle you most often want to smack talk a bit. That is completely fine as long as you keep it mature and don’t overshoot. Since EVE is a social game, we want to make sure that also the players around us are enjoying the game. For this reason, the following rules applies on your general attitude of being nice
- You are bound by EVE Online EULA no matter what you do. EULA includes some pretty basic stuff such as: You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libellous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.
- You are prohibited to do personal attacks against any players in EVE. Smack talk is allowed.
- No toxic behaviour in any situations
- All real-life threats are taken extremely serious by CCP and will get you permanently banned rather easy. Keep your head cool as you don’t want to lose your characters for yelling someone to choke on a bag of dicks.
- Unfriendly or immature attitudes is not allowed. Remember that while smack talk is allowd you should keep it mature and civilized. Dont be a dick.
- No Real Money Trade (RMT) of any type.
Scamming or stealing from any partner corporation members is not allowed. This includes all types of scams and ninja looting. Scamming players outside our partnered corporations is allowed.
Spamming any communication channels with repeating content such as advertising your contracts. This includes HyperNet Relay offers.
Shooting or killing any partner corporation members with blue standings outside coalition raised PvP events is not allowed. This is limited to blue standings and does not apply on partners with neutral standings.
Ganking of partner corporation members or providing possible gank locations for third party gankers. Ganking is allowed against players that are not part of any of the partner corporations.
Begging for money or items intentionally and repeatedly.
Members that are part of any of the partner corporations are allowed to request a transfer to a different wing if they do wish to change their gameplay. The different wings might have some limitations and requirements of their own so it is always good that have a chat with a director, recruiter or a CEO of the corporation that you seek to join.
Each of the partner corporations have most often one or two primary focuses. If these focuses align better with your personal interests then it might be a good idea to consider changing your corporation.

You are able to find a list of all of our corporations in here: community partners
Corporations are not allowed to poach members from other corporations. Make your corporations attractive so that people want to join you to get their hands on the content you are creating for them!
Depending on your corporation partnership level you may have different requirements and restrictions set on you.
- Communicate in English when talking or typing in any of our community restricted or public text or voice channels.
- Use our global in game chat channel for connecting with other community members. Talking with other community members is the best way to connect. When not talking about corporation restricted or OPSEC content you should pursuit to use the general channels.
- AUTH registration is mandatory for corp leadership and recommended for members as it is used to connect each player with our services. Each corporation should do their best effort to push members to register on the service.
- All members should be registered on the LinkNet discord as it is our primary source for sharing information. You may use your own services in addition to community provided ones. Each corporation should do their best effort to push members to register on the service as interacting with other partner members is a key element in a succesfull corporation integration to the community.
- Have our global in game chat channel linked in your primary corporation chat channel
- Corporations CEO must have a corporation tracking token on AUTH which will track the service and registration statuses of their members on our services. No other information is tracked.
- Seek to help out other community entities whenever possible.
- Seek to provide content and fleets for other community members whenever possible by opening their corporation fleets and services for them. This is the best way to show other members what your corporation is doing and advertise your corporation for those who seek the game play type your corporation is participating in.
- No hostile actions against any structures or camping strategic systems (NIP) regardless of standing settings. PvP roaming is allowed with the limitations of standings used.
- Set aside any standing differences or in game political ambitions that your corporation might be inheriting from your alliance or mega coalition when interacting with other community entities. For example, you are not allowed to underrate other partner corporations that are part of your rival alliances. We operate only on corporation level.
- Corporation must keep an updated corp description page on the wiki for their corporation. This is the advertisement and information page for coalition members who seek to join your corporation. This page must include information about:
- Requirements for joining your corporation
- Your corporation description and goals
- Point of contact or recruitment process description
- Corporation leadership including CEO, Directors and other key players must be active and interact with other LinkNet partner leadership personell over the community discord.
- Poaching members from other partner corporations is not allowed. You are allowed to advertise yourself and invite people over after their initiative but are not allowed to actively trying to poach members from other corporations.
There are no mandatory operation requirements, operation location requirements or any fees for any of our membership levels!
We want to make sure that all the corporations we have in our program are active and will provide meaningful content for any players who seek to join them. For this reason proof of activity (PoA) is required from the partner corporations.
Each partner corporation must prove and keep on proving over time that they are active and will provide a solid and functioning corporation for any members that are migrating over. This is easily done by interacting with the rest of the partner corporations via the LinkNet program.
To prove your activity the corporation must take part in one or more of the activities such as:
- Host fleets that are open towards the rest of the community
- Host classes that are open towards the rest of the community
- Host events that are open towards the rest of the community
- Actively be visible on comms and help out other community members
- Run active programs towards the community such as manufacturing, reactions or station upkeep
- Take part in the recruitment week
- Keep your recruitment forum post on our community discord up to date and active
Each quarter the membership level of each member corporation will be evaluated. Partners that do not fulfill the requirements or have been determined to be inactive or not interacting with the rest of the community in any way will be removed from the partner program.
Participating in the recruitment week is optional and may be used as an option if other PoA points are not reached, but the partner is still active and wants to show it.
In the end of each quarter a recruitment week is hosted inside the community. During this week each corporation can enforce their interactions towards the community and boost their advertising towards the entry corporations and recruiting from them.
During this week the corporations may open up their past activities and current corporation statuses by posting a blog post on the LinkNet blog about things they feel like sharing with the rest of the community. Corporations are always able to make their post on the blog even outside of the recruitment week, but the posts are highlighted during the week.
On the last weekend of the recruitment week a recruitment weekend may be hosted where each partner corporation is encouraged to have a representive on voice comms under the recruitment channel to help new players connect up with the corporation.
We offer a set of base services for our partner corporations to use. They may decide themselves if they take advantage of these systems.
- Member sourcing from entry corporations
- Buyback access and buyback setup at their own operating locations
- Ship Replacement for coalition hosted operations
- Blueprint copying system access
- Citadel access and services hosted by the community
- Access to coalition training fleets and ability to run coalition training fleets
- Ability to take part in joint partner operations hosted by other partner corporations.
- Ability to call on War support but not demand it.
- AUTH tool including a variety of AUTH services such as structure tracking
- Fleet tracking
- Member tracking
- Member Auditing
- Operation schedules
- Structure timers
- Doctrine board
- Notification alerts on our discord if needed.
- Access to privately hosted pathfinder
- Ability to request additional services and programs for their needs.
- Mumble
- Discord
We offer different levels of partnership to provide a flexible and working system that would support different types of corporations. This section includes the description and requirements for each different partner level. Our partner levels are:
- Blue partner
- Neutral partner
- Alliance partner
- Language partner
A flexible partnership level that uses blue standing to limit PvP engagements and to identify other community members.
- Eligible for base services
- High Sec 24/7 mining fleet
- Blue standings with other blue partners and alliance partners
- Full autonomy
- General Partner Member Requirements are applied
- General Partner Corporation Requirements are applied
- Proof of activity is required
- Minimum of 30 active real players
- Corporation will be set to +10 and is required to keep +10 standings towards all blue partners and the silent company alliance partner.
- Corporation will set all neutral partners with +0 standings to identify them in space.
- Corporation needs to update each community standing change on corporation level and keep the standings updated
- Corporation must have a clear goal and preferably a unique goal for their corporation compared to other coalition corporations.
- Corporation can decide on their own if they want to hold structures under their own corporation (to be war eligible or not).
- Corporation has full autonomy over themselves including the ability to join an alliance in EVE. Only the partner corporation entity will be part of the community and the other alliance members the corporation has joined will be treated as neutral entities.
A flexible partnership level that does not use standing to limit PvP engagements and works like a NIP. Requires more management work from leadership to prevent any strategic operations against other community partner corporations.
- Eligible for base services
- High Sec 24/7 mining fleet*
- Neutral standings allow engaging on other community members during roams
- Full autonomy
* Fleet advert is only visible for blues, join with request.
- General Partner Member Requirements are applied
- General Partner Corporation Requirements are applied
- Proof of activity is required
- Minimum of 30 active real players
- Corporation will be set to +0 and is required to keep +0 standings towards other community partner corporations
- Corporation needs to update each coalition standing change on corporation level and keep the standings updated.
- Corporation is allowed to shoot at other coalition members in PVP roams as well as to get shot by other coalition members.
- Corporation is not allowed to take advantage of its coalition membership in order to plan hostile PvP actions against other coalition entities regardless of the standings. You are not allowed to plot ganks or intercept fleets hosted from any other coalition entities in any way.
- Corporation is not allowed to plan or initiate sieges on behalf of the partner corporations decission against other partner corporation structures. If the alliance or coalition of the partner corporation initiates an attack against a LinkNet partner corporation strucure then the partner under the command of this alliance or coalition is allowed to take part in their operation against this structure. However if possible it is recommended that the corporation will not support such actions if possible.
- Corporation must have a clear goal and preferably a unique goal for their corporation compared to other coalition corporations.
- Corporation can decide on their own if they want to hold structures under their own corporation (to be war eligible or not).
- Corporation has full autonomy over themselves including the ability to join an alliance in EVE. Only the corporation that is an affiliated member entity will be part of the community and the other alliance members the corporation has joined will be treated as neutral entities.
Corporations who want to fly under the banner of the Silent Company alliance and do not seek to take part in any wars may join the Silent Company alliance. Joining the alliance reduces the amount of work required for setting channel access and standings.
Corporations in the entry level alliance are not allowed to hold any structures under their corporations. The entry level alliance will never be eligible for war. If this rule is broken and a corporation anchors any structures making the alliance venerable for wars the corporation will be removed without any warning. It is the responsibility of the CEO to make sure that regular members are unable to anchor structures.
Corporations in the entry alliance will need to keep the setting to reject all structure transfers on at all times and follow the procedures for pre application before getting accepted into the alliance.
- Eligible for base services
- All standings are managed on behalf of the alliance
- Alliance banner
- Limited autonomy
- Not eligible for wars
- General Partner Member Requirements are applied
- General Partner Corporation Requirements are applied
- Proof of activity is required
- Corporation needs to have at least 50 active individual members in the corporation
- The alliance will manage all standings and service accesses on behalf of the corporation. If the corporation leaves the alliance they are treated as a neutral entity and will lose access to the services.
- Corporations in the entry level alliance are not allowed to hold any structures under their corporations.
- Corporations in the entry alliance will need to keep the setting to reject all structure transfers on at all times.
- Corporation may request partnership status change if they meet the requirements or are looking to join another alliance that requires by game mechanisms for the corporation to leave the silent company alliance.
- Corporation has full autonomy over their own corporation excluding the matters mentioned above.
Language partner corporations are special case corporations that are loosely connected to the coalition. The purpose of these non-English speaking corporations is to provide content for non-English speaking players.
Language partner entities are our partners that we recommend for players who do not wish or can't operate in English. We also advertise these corporations in our general recruitment mails.
While these corporations may not be interacting with the rest of the coalition due to language barriers and possible geo-blocking, we have verified that they will take good care of you once you join them!
- Corporation advertisement in our recruitment process
- Loosely affiliated with the community
- No standings
- Corporation needs to have at least 50 active individual members in the corporation
- Corporations main language must be something else than English.
- Corporation needs to be active and have a clear goal in sight. Community only interacts with language option corporations that we believe are providing true content and taking care of the members we send to the corporations.
- Corporation needs to have a representative or point of contact towards the community who will inform the community about any major changes that would affect pushing new recruits to their corporation.
- Corporation needs to provide the community a clear and simple advertising phrase in their native language to be used for recruiting purposes on behalf of the coalition.
- Set aside any standing differences or in game political ambitions that your corporation might have when interacting with other community members or in any of the community related channels
- Corporation must seek to cooperate with community partner corporations whenever possible and suitable based on the corporation goals of the language option corporation
- If most of the corporation members talk English the language option corporation may apply for other partner levels. In these cases, the rules applied on the language corporation will change accordingly.
The community leadership is formed by each corporation CEO and directors. Together these players will find the most optimal solutions for leading our community of different types of players and cultures on a general level. All of these players are on the same level and none of them can dictate alone the directions the coalition should take. Official rules and guidelines on the general level of the coalition are decided together and stated on this wiki.
¶ Expectations and capabilities
Players holding these roles are expected to behave with dignity and follow the coalition rules and guidelines in all situations, even if it would fight against their personal beliefs. A level of professionalism is expected from these players when acting outside their own corporation channels.
Players with leadership positions do not have any power over players outside of their own corporation with matters that do not involve community rule or guideline violations.
These players are expected to use the tools at their hands by keeping the previous sections in mind. This includes matters of removing content, messages and pages made by other players unless they are direct violations of the coalition rules.
Players with these roles have the authority over you when it comes to coalition rule violations. You are bound to listen and follow their orders in such matters.
The chain of command from top to down for the current coalition roles are:
- Wing Director
- Diplomats
- Fleet Commander
- Fleet Commander Trainee
- Industrial Commander
¶ Dealing with rule violations and other problems
If someone is violating the rules set for the coalition or on your own corporation you are not allowed to take matters into your own hand.
You are allowed to remind the players of the rules of the coalition* if you see any rule breaking but you are not allowed to escalate and start to debate with the person in question.
Report all problems and rule breaking to any corporation CEO or the coalition executor. Keep in mind that you will need to provide proof for your report, in most often in a form of chat logs. The leadership will deal with any and all of the problems raised and it is not the job of a line member to govern the coalition.
To contact leadership, you can ping @ceo
or @wing director
on any of the discord channels. You will be able to see all players holding coalition positions on the right side of the discord channel, ordered in the same chain of command order as is mentioned in the rules.
You can also send personal messages via discord or by in-game mail to any of these players.